Saturday, 28 December 2013

iPhone 5 screen replacement

There are two types of screen available for iPhone 5.

One comes with home button inside , earpiece , front camera with screen ,
 another type of screen does not have these.

Step by Step Procedure to change iPhone 5 screen:
1. Remove SIM tray and SIM card
2. Remove two screws from bottom side of the phone
3. Lift of the screen from bottom side of the phone very carefully, hold the screen
4. Remove 3 screws from LCD and logic board's connector top
5. Disconnect 3 LCD cables from logic board

If the new LCD does  not have inside home button, earpiece and camera then
    a) Remove 3 screws from home button cover and Remove the inside home button and home button                    connector
     b) Remove 3 screws from earpiece and front camera side, Remove the earpiece then apply little bit heat            and remove front camera with cable
     c) Insert  Home button , earpiece and front camera in the new screen

6.Remove 4 screws for back side of the LCD and lift the metal from old LCD and put it in the new LCD.

7. Connect the 3 LCD cable to the logic board
8. Put the cover and 3 screw
9. Put the New LCD from top side
10. Put 2 screws in the bottom side
11. Insert the SIM tray in the phone

Saturday, 14 December 2013

How to Remove keyboard from Mac Book Pro

1. Remove all screws from the back side

2. Remove Back cover

3. Remove battery jacket before doing anything

4. Unplug all jackets
5. Remove the screws from the logic board

6. Remove logic board
7. Remove 2 screws from the speaker and lift the speaker gently
8. Remove optical drive
9. Remove 2 screws from the mid panel and remove mid panel
10. Remove glue gently and then remove the bottom layer of the keyboard
11. Remove all small tiny screws and then remove the top layer of the keyboard

How to Remove Hard Drive from Sony Vaio VGN-S270P

Most of the laptop Hard drive is located just back of the laptop with Hard Drive cover. In this case just need to remove the cover and easy to remove the hard drive. But some of the laptop has the Hard Drive under the keyboard.  Sony Vaio VGN-S270P has the hard drive under the keyboard. Here is the step by step process to Remove  Sony Vaio VGN-S270P Hard Drive:

1. Switch off the laptop, Disconnect the charger and Remove the battery.

2. Remove all screws from the back of the laptop

3. Unlock the keyboard F4 and F12 key and remove the keboard 

4. Remove all screws from  keyboard panel 

5. Unplug all cable on top of the panel and take off panel

6. Unplug the yellow hard drive cable from motherboard connector

7. Remove the Hard Drive

Saturday, 10 August 2013

How to Disassemble Iphone 4S Screen

Iphone 4S screen replace is not easy. There are so many tiny parts which all are important and all them individual functionality.

Step by Step guide for iphone 4S disassembly:

1. Power off the phone
2. Remove sim tray and sim card
3. Remove 2 screws from bottom of the phone.
4. Slide off the back cover
5.Remove 2 screws from Battery connector
6. Take off battery from the phone
7. Remove the screws from the charge port Ribbon
8. Disconnect the charge port Ribbon and full it aside
9. Remove 4 screws from camera button area
10. Remove the metal cover and remove screw under the metal cover
11. Disconnect all the connector
12. Disconnect antenna Ribbon from bottom of the phone
13. Remove 2 screws : one is top and another one is bottom
14. Now remove screws which are holding the motherboard
15. Take off the vibrator
16. Remove 2 screws from the speaker
17. take off the speaker
18. There are 4 screws : one in each corner of the phone
19. Remove 6 screws : 3 each side of the screen frame
20. Now remove the screen

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


IT House 392 Ltd is a registered company in UK. We are specialist in Computer & Laptop Hardware, Networking and Web Design.

We repair all brand of Laptops and Computer. We repair Power jack, dead laptop, no display, black screen, blue screen, graphics problem, USB port not working, speaker problem, BIOS problem and any other chip level problem in Laptop.

We repair, upgrade Mac Book, Air Book and any other Apple products.

We also repair I Phone, Blackberry, Samsung, and Nokia Mobile.

Unlocking – IMEI unlocking, SL3 unlocking and software unlocking is available for any mobiles

We have two retail branches and one warehouse in London. All our Branches deal with direct customers. Most of the Computer, Laptop and Mobile parts are available in our all branches.

Our price is very competitive.

Repair Price:

Power Jack Replacement: £25.00
LED Replacement: From £50.00
Dead Laptop Repair: From £55.00
Graphics Problem: £55.00
USB problem: From £20
Software Installation: From £15.00
Mac Book Repair: From £70.00
I Phone Water Damage: From £40.00
I Phone Screen: From £30.00
I Phone Speaker: From £15.00
I Phone Power Button: From £15.00
Mobile Unlocking: From £4.00

Accessories Price:

Mobile charger: From £3.00
Laptop Charger From: £10.00
Screen Protector: From £1.00
Mobile Cover: From £3.00
Power Cable: From £2.50
Mobile Battery: From £3.00
Laptop Battery From: £25.00
Laptop LED: From £45.00
Laptop Keyboard: From £20.00
RAM: From £10.00
Hard Drive: £15.00

Contact: IT House 392 Ltd
               392 Katherine Road, London E7 8NW

Sunday, 21 April 2013



NOKIA has different category types mobile in terms of unlocking like DCT4+, BB5, BB5+, SL1, SL2, SL3

NOKIA SL3 mobile unlocking is expensive than any other type. Here is NOKIA SL3 mobile list:


Saturday, 20 April 2013

Time-of-day Clock Error message Solutions

Time-of-day Clock Error message Solutions:

Time-of-the Clock error message comes if there problem with CMOS Battery or Battery settings.

If the laptop gets this message then first remove the battery. Then discharge the power by pressing power button for few seconds. 

Now Remove the CMOS battery. CMOS battery is in the motherboard.

Most of the laptop CMOS is in the Back of the motherboard. Replace the CMOS battery. Then test the Laptop. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

How to unlock Samsung S5830i

How to unlock Samsung S5830i

Samsung S5830i unlocking is bit complicated. To unlock this phone first the phone has to rooted then only unlock is possible.

I find NS Pro unlocking box very much easy to unlock this phone.

Step by step Process to unlock S5830i:

1. To unlock Samsung S5830i SD card is necessary. After inserting the SD card switch on the phone and click on settings button

2. Now go to Applications>Developments and then check  the USB Debugging

3. Phone will reboot. After reboot select "Apply update from SD Card" in the phone.

 Then Select "". Now Select "Reboot System Now". When Reboot is done click ok in the NS pro unlocking screen.

4. After few minutes phone should be unlocked

Monday, 15 April 2013

How to solve Laptop Wireless Problem

How to solve Laptop Wireless Problem

Most of the Laptop have the Wireless card in build which provide the facility to access internet without wire. Wireless run with support of hardware and software. Hardware is the wireless card and software is the driver for the wireless card.

If the Laptop wireless is not working it is not complicated to solve it.

Step 1:

First check whether laptop wireless light in on or not. 

If the light is off then may be wireless is off.  To turn wireless on use the on/off switch in the laptop.

If the laptop does not have the on/off switch for the wireless then use Fn+wireless key in the keyboard.

Step 2:

Sometimes Wireless does not work may be wireless card driver is missing or may be driver not functioning properly or may be driver is disable. So check the drivers.

If the driver is disable then enable the driver. To check the driver and enable the driver Click on Start then Right Click on Computer and Click Manage.

Computer Management Window will appear. Now Click on Device Manager

Now driver list will appear and check whether wireless driver is disable or enable.

To enable the device select and right click and click on enable

If the driver is installed but wireless is not working then uninstall the driver and re install it. Driver can be installed from the laptop manufacturer website.

If there is no driver for the the wireless, it will show show the warning sign in the driver list. So install the driver for the wireless card.

Step 3: Driver is installed but no connections are available

Wireless driver is installed properly but still no connection is available. It is may be Windows Zero Configuration in XP or WLAN Auto Configuration in Windows 7 is not activated. In windows this settings is in the Administrative Tools.  Most of the Windows setting for this configuration is almost same. 

In windows 7: 

 go to Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools then click on services

Now Select the WLAN Auto Configuration and click on start

Step 4:

If none of the above steps solved the problem then replace the wireless card. It is easy to replace the card. Wireless card mostly located backside of the laptop. Sometimes wireless cover and RAM cover is same. Just open the cover and replace the card. 

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Basic Troubleshooting for Dead IPOD or IPhone

Basic Troubleshooting for Dead IPOD or IPhone

If  IPOD or IPhone  is completely dead it can be for charger or battery or for the phone.  If it is for the phone then it is need repair. Other two problem can be solved easily. Now the question how would you know what is the problem with the device.

First put the phone in charge with the main plug charger at least for half an hour with working charger. check whether the charger is working or not. 

Now try to on the phone. if still phone does not turn on then Replace the phone battery with new one or take it to a technician.

Basic Computer Heating Problem

Basic Computer Heating Problem:

Computer and Laptop get heat as it is running power. That is why each laptop and Computer has at least one fan to absorbed  the heat. After use of the laptop you might get the heating problem. For heating problem Computer might restart by itself , it might give blue screen error.

If you get getting heating problem first thing to check is the fan is working or not. When you start the Laptop or Computer it should spin the fan. If it doesn't then replace the fan. Most of the time it will resolve the problem.

You also will get heating problem if the fan does not give enough air. Sometimes fan can't spin for the dust. 

In this case clean the fan properly and put it back .